Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy 33rd Birthday, my love!


What can I say? I love you to juicy bits and fruity pieces. I love knowing that you are the last person I look at before going to bed and the first person I see when I wake up. I'm not the least bit bitter either that you wake me up at 4:30 in the morning during the week turning on lights and making noise, causing me to not be able to go back to bed. Nope, not bitter at all! HA...kidding! I am thankful that we are able to share our lives together. I'm looking forward to watching you grow old, loose hair, needing to resort to BenGay to calm achy muscles, and raising our children.

Me and my darling on 4th of July at The Buck. It's the redneck way to celebrate our nation's watching a crash up derby and spray painting our hair.

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