Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The 1st Official Snow Day of 2009

Normally it seems that our school district does not close for anything. Well, Tuesday the girls had their first 2 hour delay and today their first cancellation. A real snow day thanks to freezing rain creating a layer of ice on top of the snowfall. Schmoopy ended up coming home from work early as I was taking the early shift of babysitting and he would take the later shift allowing me to go into work late. Unforunately, I did not make it to work. Our youngest cat, RRF (Roxy Renee Fowler) started to go berzerk and end up attacking her tail and biting off a piece of it. Off RRF went to the vet for an emergency visit. She is now recovering from her surgery which included a spay and tail amputation. You know how some say love doesn't cost a thing? Well, it cost us $400 today. Due to RRF's overactive "womanly" system (keeping it kid friendly), the doctor said it was perfectly normal that her system caused her to act in this manner. After all, each cat displays their own weird behavior when going through the maturing stage of their life. At first, the vet thought it could have been rabies, but we've had her too long and because she's never been out since we found her, it's just unlikely. The hospital staff was caught a little off guard when RRF seemed to recover TOO quickly from heavy sedation and was calm one minute and attacking the cage the next. I reconfirmed her behavior at the hospital is pretty much her behavior at home. We have been told that she is a hyper sensitive cat. Hyper sensitive? How about bipolar spastic? Regardless, we will be able to pick her up tomorrow and hopefully with 2 weeks guarantine while she heals, she feels much better.

After what I thought was a near death experience with RRF, we went on a mission for second hand ice skates at the local Salvation Army and Goodwill. Bubbles and I ended up with a pair. Mine were bought without shoe strings, but I found really super dooper ooper laces at Walmart and now each skate has a different lace. How cool am I? RB still needs a pair, but in the meantime she will use mine since ice skating is too risky for me right now. Below are pictures taken of the girls, Schmoopy, and I on Lake Redman. It's a beautiful lake where Steve and I have enjoyed kayaking and it's amazing that we were able to stand on top of it and not fall through. The girls had a great time and although it was terrifying at first to be walking on frozen water that at any moment you think is going to crack and break off, it was a pretty cool.

Okay after attempting to download pictures from my camera, it seems I have a file error. I can't seem to find the pictures I took while at the lake on my memory card yet I can see them quite clearly while the memory card is in my camera. Unforunately, no pictures with this entry until I can figure out what's wrong. I'll post the pictures tomorrow...hopefully!


  1. One thing I am finding difficult, is who is the author of each post? I think its been so long since we have hugged, cuddled, smacked, er uhm, hugged that I cannot remember your manuerisms. Oh well, we'll always have the OC.

  2. Steve cannot stand to type so he has yet to create a post? RB is the oldest (Morgan), but she will begin each post announcing her name. Bubbles (Madison) is the youngest and I put her name in the title so everyone knows it's her. I am usually the author, photographer, director, make-up artist, etc. Hopefully we will be able to meet up again this summer when you visit Mason or Matilda/Makenzi (we can't agree on a girl's name).
