Steve and I took Mason to the pediatrician today. He now weighs 9 lbs and 4.8 ounces and measures 22 inches in length. We must start forcing Mason's head to turn to his left and while it's turned in this direction, massage his neck muscles. The pediatrician said it's common in infants to favor only one side. If an infant would continue to turn his or her head to one side, the muscles could stiffen. The pediatrician said the name of the condition (is it really even a condition?) so quickly, I did not understand what she had said. I'm thinking the name is "tortacolitis", but I have not had the time to research anything. On a funnier note, Mason peed all over the pediatrician. Boy, she reacted with lightning speed. Me, I just always sit and watch Mason spray everywhere because it's hilarious and I can never stop laughing. Mason received his 2nd dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine. He was a good baby and only cried for a few seconds.
The pediatrician gave us a few tips on how to prepare Mason to sleep through the night:
-Make evenings as boring as possible so he doesn't make himself excited (he's only 1 month old; he's not doing that much!)
-Don't feed Mason to sleep (then he would never get fed in the evening because he can look at the bottle and fall asleep!)
-When he awakes at night, don't turn on any lights (I would break a bone stumbling around in the dark half asleep trying to prepare a bottle!)
-Nightime should only be for feeding; do not change the diaper (Goodness, even when Mason's diaper is changed twice a night, he still pees everywhere. If his diaper wasn't changed during the night, he would flood the house!)
-When Mason is done feeding in the middle of the night, put him back into his crib even if he's awake. This means no rocking, swinging, or talking (I should have asked the pediatrician how long do I allow Mason to scream before picking him up!)
Your dr sounds like a nut job! Glad he is going well!