Thursday, August 20, 2009

Let's Go Bandits, Let's Go!

Isn't she a cutie patootie? Bubbles is playing outside soccer on an all girls team for the first time. Earlier this year, she played for YMCA on a co-ed team and I have to say that I thought the boys were too aggressive for the girls. Now normally I do not like to sound sexist, but it was true. There was one boy in particular that you just wanted to punch in the face because he kept hogging the ball from his own teammates. He must have missed the Barney episode on sharing.

Bubbles is playing for the Bandits and she is number 77. Mason and I was not in attendance due to the heat, but Bubbles said she had a great time. As an over planning stepmom, I made sure to pack the allergy medicine, tissues, allergy eye drops, water bottle, soccer attire, and the umbrella in case she needed shade. Yes, I will be the first to admit I go overboard with the preparation phase of any event or trip. However, in my defense; have you seen the Discovery channel show, "I Shouldn't be Alive"? After watching that show, I'm glad I overpack. My overpacking will help save us if we ever get stranded and must survive without rescue for 10 days.
Bubbles really likes playing offense. Steve captured Bubbles team, which only consists of 11 girls in the pictures below: